The Assessor team

The assessor team of sixteen civil society experts evaluates applications and submits proposals for funding. They are either representatives of NGOs or have experience of working in the field, of leading projects and of evaluating them in other funds.
The team is put together after an open call every three years. Chosen people will sign a declaration of avoiding a conflict of interest. Their tasks are to assess and evaluate projects using a list of criteria for the open calls decided by the Supervisory Board. Every application has to be assessed and evaluated usually by three people which makes the evaluation objective and avoids possible conflicts of interests. The Management Board has a right to select one assessor outside of the team to evaluate projects in every concrete call of proposals, if special knowledge in some field is needed.
- Age Toomla
- Alari Rammo
- Aljona Karlõševa
- Dagmar Kase
- Egert Rünne
- Helen Kiis
- Helen Talalaev
- Kadri Pau
- Karro Külanurm
- Keio Soomelt
- Külli Hansen
- Lea Kreinin
- Leeni Uba
- Lianne Teder
- Liis Tamman
- Maiu Lauring
- Margit Säre
- Margot Lillemägi
- Merike Kaunissaare
- Peep Mardiste
- Piret Leskova
- Rain Jano
- Tanel Vallimäe
- Tiina Ojamäe
- Ülle Mitt
- Ülle Puustusmaa